WALMART Shopper Evaluation;
The primary goal of the Shop-Along Market Research is to assist WALMART Company in better serving customers by ensuring the best staff practices are in place. Carrying out your assignment as a normal customer & not hinting at the fact that you're a market researcher is a must. There is no charges to become or take a part in the Shop-Along Market Research and you do not need previous experience. This research program is fun & rewarding in which you choose when and where you want to shop, you're never obligated to accept an assignment. After you sign up, you will have access to training materials via e-mail, fax or postal mail.
What is Shop-Along Market Research? Shop-along research is a special type of one-on-one, in-depth interview which examines actual shopping behavior rather than behavior that is recalled and reported after the event.
Topic areas for discussion will be based on:
The product: displays, shelving, signage, packaging, labeling, pricing and branding.
The physical retail establishment: layout, lighting, maneuverability, and cleanliness.
Personnel: availability and helpfulness of staff, salespeople, and/or customer service.
Here are some specific questions —not all of which apply to each situation – that allow for interaction with consumers and deeper probing during the shopping process:
Where do you begin? (Do you know where the product is located, or need to ask for assistance?)
How easy is it/how long did it take to find the product?
Is it easy to navigate through the store?
Are you distracted by anything along the way?
Does the placement of the product make it stand out?
COMPENSATION & BONUS: For every market research assignment you'll be paid an amount of $1200.85.
In addition, the purchased gift card will be raffled, and you stand a chance to win it in a shopping game.
NOTE: We will provide the funds you'll be using to carry out every assignment.